JYOSTAR Enterprises

Skilled development of Agriculture Youth in some identified areas of organic farming, Affordable Live Stock Management, Revenue generation through Aquaculture, Profitable Poultry Farming.. e.t.c to create job opportunities in organic sector mainly in the area of organic production, on-farm resource management, input production, and quality control, certification and also marketing of organic produce. The concern here is enhancing the ability of an individual to accomplish a set of tasks by providing an opportunity which results in acquiring the new and upgraded ability in performing the skill. The participants are members of the communication network, feel at ease, participate actively, share experiences, ask questions, make mistakes, take risks during training, they use trainer as resource, guide and mentor.The modus operandi carried for each of the training programme is given below Ice breaking; Registration, orientation, need assessment and pre-evaluation; Curriculum development / training module development; Presentation of topics through participatory methods using various training techniques by resource persons; Experience sharing with progressive farmers or case studies; Field visit to research demonstration plots, Institutes, input organizations, progressive farmers’ fields, etc; Group task, discussion and presentation; Post - evaluation and feed back; Follow up

JyoStar Training Services:

  • Mushroom Training
  • Poultry Farm Training
  • Fish Farm Training